
Showing posts from January, 2021

Saray: Blog 1 Speech Communications

Saray Blanco 4000177695      As many of us we know about certain things our whole life without a doubt in our mind. Later to have someone or something fully explain and go into depth about topics we could have sworn to know everything about and fully get it after. Although I knew many of the topics and subtopics in these chapters the presentation really helped further understand. For example who were to even imagine sex and gender being two different things? As of forever I thought they were initially the same thing. Later to come and find out one means you’re a girl or boy and the other has to do with how you identify yourself or how you feel on the inside. The presenters did an excellent job explaining each topic. They did really well researching and getting comfortable with the material. Each group had great team work. I am in group 1 and my group had to read and write about chapter 3. As I talk about my own chapter and my own personal section. I’d like to also talk about, quickly s

Joseli's Chapter Reflections

  We are going to talk about the presentation about chapter 3, 9, 10.   The chapter 3 talks about Intercultural communication. In this chapter you learn about the different culture and how you can do for respect the people, in the end of the day we all are person and deserve the respect don’t matter the color of your skin, your ethnicity or your religion.   In this chapter you see that talks about a lot of things like culture, values, intercultural communication, cultures, race, ethnicity, sex and gender, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, age, disability, how culture differ, political barriers, communication strategies.    This chapter talks about how we can be better and how we can be less ignorant about the different cultures. Chapter 9 talks about communication in groups. This chapter talks about that how everybody belongs to groups. A group is a collection of people who feel like they belong and have a common purpose. Group communications consist of all verbal a

Nestor: Aspects of Communication

               ASPECTS OF COMMUNICATION                Communication is one of the essential skills that a person has to have to be effective in this modern society. It let us all connect with each other in so many different ways. One of those ways of connecting with other people is our speech class. There we interact and practice our communication with others of different background. Our first-class project was divided into 3 groups to explain to the rest of the class a chapter of the book. Here, we will see the importance and some characteristics about these chapters along the way. Specifically, we will be talking about Intercultural Communication, Communicating in Groups, and Group Leadership and Problem Solving. Our Chapter was assigned to be Intercultural Communication. It starts talking about culture in general and jumps to its structure. This structure is composed of dominant cultures: the culture learned and practiced by the majority of people in a society and co-cultures: a

Tara's Reflection on the Chapter Presentations

     The first presentation in a class is always the most difficult one. That’s why it is important for you to do your research and practice your speech. Practicing your speech helps you to memorize the material you’ve researched. This is perfect for a person like me, who is writing a blog about the material I learned for my class presentation. I and my partners were in charge of informing the rest of our class on Chapter 3 of a book called “Comm6: Speech Communication.” The material is fresh in my head as if I just learned it. Now, I will share some of this information. I will also share what I thought of the other groups’ presentations. A GIF by Shalita Grant showing her point at the screen. GIF reads "You Got This."      I was the first of my group to present and I covered the introduction to the topic “Intercultural Communication.” It starts off with the term “Culture”, which is basically a way of life. In the book, I learned that when people of two different cultures try

Laripza: Chapter 3 Blog

     My group and I presented on chapter three. This chapter overall defined culture and the role of communication within the dominant and co cultures. What I presented on was religion, sex and gender, and sexual orientation. While reading this chapter I learned so much not only from my section but from everyone else’s presentation as well. Before reading this article, I had understood that Sex and Gender were initially the same thing, little did I know I was extremely wrong. Sexuality is the social or cultural construct. It relates to the characters, behaviors, and identities that society specifies to girls and boys, females and males, and gender-diverse people. I learned the difference between sex and gender, this is defined by how we find ourselves differently, and how we behave and move with others. There’s a lot of variety in how people and groups see, experience, and express sexuality. Being gay, or bisexual is not something that a person may decide, that is something that comes

Adriel's Blog Summary: Chapters 3, 9, and 10

  Adriel Cabrera Professor Sinkoff SPC 1017 1/29/2021 Blog Summary Page 35, chapter 3-2f and 3-2g consists of subjects regarding the economic status and generational co-cultures. Socioeconomic status is the position of a person based on their income, education, or occupation. Consisting of the low, middle, and high class. Afterward the chapter goes on to speak on habits or co-cultures that different economic status families had! For example, low-class families emphasize obedience and acceptance of others, while high-class families perform fewer engagement cues and tend to disengage more! The two subcategories both socioeconomic status and age/generation has a lot of emphasis on co-cultures! Age/generation starts off by mentioning some generational co-cultures. People who grew up during the great depressions tend to be more frugal than other generations. Millennials, which are people who grew up during the ’90s have never known life without a computer, or how baby boomers (peo

First Chapter Presentation: Matthew's Reflection

     So, a couple weeks ago, we had our first PowerPoint/project for our speech class.  My group had chapter 3 of our textbook, which was based on intercultural communication.  It refers to the interactions which occur between people whose cultures are so different, that communication between them is challenging. I was in a group of nine people and we all had parts of the chapter, which we needed to talk about. I really like my group because we are not too picky, and we agree on almost everything we did on our project. We also have great communication and we always try to help each other anyway we can.  Overall, I think our first project went smoothly.  The way we divided it was by page, but two of us had to do two pages because there were twelve pages in the chapter.  To be completely honest, I was very nervous about my first project in this class. I returned to school after taking a semester off, so I really wanted to get back in the swing of things.  My jitters went away after the p

Ashley Alvarez's Chapters Presentation

For chapters 3, 9, and 10, I have learned many things such as different varieties of cultures, varieties of different groups, and of course leadership. In Chapter 3, I had learned the differences between race and ethnicity, and I honestly never knew there was a difference until now. Race is different because the term race was used to classify people based on biological characteristics such as skin and eye color, body shape, and hair texture. On the other hand, Ethnicity refers to a shared cultural heritage that is learned. It perfectly explains everything. People who speak the Native Language prefer speaking their native language and prefer living nearby their relatives. In highly masculine cultures, men and women are expected are expected to adhere to traditional roles and behaviors whilst in highly feminine cultures, people assume a variety of roles and are valued for doing so regardless of sex. It’s pretty interesting because society expects a man and a woman to act and behave a c