Ashley Alvarez's Chapters Presentation

For chapters 3, 9, and 10, I have learned many things such as different varieties of cultures, varieties of different groups, and of course leadership. In Chapter 3, I had learned the differences between race and ethnicity, and I honestly never knew there was a difference until now. Race is different because the term race was used to classify people based on biological characteristics such as skin and eye color, body shape, and hair texture. On the other hand, Ethnicity refers to a shared cultural heritage that is learned. It perfectly explains everything. People who speak the Native Language prefer speaking their native language and prefer living nearby their relatives. In highly masculine cultures, men and women are expected are expected to adhere to traditional roles and behaviors whilst in highly feminine cultures, people assume a variety of roles and are valued for doing so regardless of sex. It’s pretty interesting because society expects a man and a woman to act and behave a certain specific way like a grown man can tell a boy to “grow up and act like a man.” While a  grown woman can tell a girl to “Please act ladylike.” Socioeconomic status, abbreviated to SES, is typically divided into three categories: high, middle and low class. Most people consider themselves to be middle class, which seems to be true. All my life, I would always hear people saying that they’re middle class. There’s much more many groups around the world. A lot more than I would have ever thought of. Family is considered a group. Protective families, issues are not discussed and are decided solely by the family authority figure. Consensual families, all members engage in conversation about an issue but a family authority figure still makes the final decision. 


 Some group examples are social, interest, support, service, work and so on. They all strive to serve different purposes for same or different goals. In school, we have to perform in groups almost all the time in order to achieve the goal to future success. While groups have successes, they also have certain conflicts that they made need to resolve such as an Issue-Related Group Conflict. This happens when two or more group members’ goals, ideas, or opinions about the topic are incompatible. To manage issue-related conflict, begin to clarify your position and the position of the other group member using perception check and paraphrasing skills. I never really knew that there was different types of leaderships as well. Leadership means the process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. Leaders are responsible for motivating their group into doing more and better. Task roles consists of Givers, Seekers and Analyzers. Maintenance roles consist of supporters, interpreters, harmonizers, mediators and tension relievers. Procedural roles consist of Logistic coordinator, expediters, gatekeepers and recorders. I’m so amazed as to how much varieties in this world have! Groups 1, 2 and 3 did a marvelous and fantastic job presenting their projects! Very fun and very entertaining topics and subtopics.



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