Communication at its finest Jailene Estrada

     Communication has always been apart of life since the beginning time and day it progresses and we learn more about it and others. In the chapters 3,9, and 10 that help with that matter. All over the world there are different customs and forms of communication. For example, words and gestures used in America are different compared to The united Kingdom. Take fish and chips, chips are french fries but they call it chips. 
       In order to understand one another and their culture in the textbook pages, chapter three gave different ways on how to do so. Always do research, focus how others around communicate, and involve yourself more. And not only their cultures but gender, sexual orientation and religion as well. A big thing to avoid is having a stereotype towards others. They are hurtful and very disrespectful.   

     There is a downside to communication as well that others will not feel as appreciative or vise versa some people are inconsiderate of others and it is possible that there would not be much respect for others.  Some people could just be mean overall.
Besides that we move on into chapter 9. 

      In chapter 9, it talks about group communication. In a group it is least likely everyone would have the same style. Not only would there not be same style of communication but there are also many barriers that can affect the group: emotional differences, religion, language , culture, and self-esteem.  Chapter three and nine are related in a way because as mentioned when you are communicating in a group chances are not everyone are going to have the same culture or the same understanding like you would. So it is always good to have a consideration on others being different. 

Speaking of group communication,  

     Moving on to chapter 10, it talks about group leadership and problem solving. In order to be a great group leader you need to have great communication skills, consideration for others, and good understanding. As for problem solving, working together as a group works very efficiently because everyone are putting their brains together and giving ideas different from one another or even mentioning something that was not caught on. For example, in hospitals nurses, doctors, and radiologist have to work together in order to solve the diagnostics for the patient, clearly there has to be good problem solving and efficiency, great group communication, as well as group leadership. 

    Overall, chapters 3,9, and 10 they all tie with each other and having consideration when it comes to others.  The key of it all is to have respect and good communication skills regardless of who you come across. Especially in the work force and even with others being able to properly communicate goes a long way. Lawyers, Doctors, nurses, teachers, and more all work together and need to effectively communicate because without it things would not get done properly. 

     And when it comes to group communication and leadership, it is always nice to hear out others and not judge them right off the bat because chances are that they will have great ideas like you and you would learn a little about them too!



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