Adriels Reflection 3/15/21


Adriel Cabrera

Professor Sinkoff

SPC 1017


Presentation Thoughts Reflection

            Overall, when presenting group 1’s presentation is was somewhat nerve-racking like it always is at first when presenting. Group 1 went over “The Pandemic and Health Care” which was carried out initially by Joseli who took the bullet for the team by going first which gave others including myself more confidence to present afterward! Everyone in group 1 went section by a section explaining our chapter thoroughly and precisely. Covering all ranged of topic referring to Covid-19 as in life before covid, how covid has affected everyday lives and businesses, health crisis the world has been struggling through, and how to fix and move past covid-19. Everyone presented loud, clear, and fluent! Everyone in group 1 did a phenomenal job which not only how they distributed the information but also the research put in, which is the backbone of this project. Group 2 was on par with group 1. Group 2 presentation was very thoughtful. Everyone presented loud and fluent and brought up the information as clear as day. Group 2 did an excellent job with their presentation. With well thought out and well-presented subjects and analysis. Every group provided great research with every topic spoken upon. Also provided citations and personal quotes and even inferred information in their own matter to apply it to the information researched upon. Which is key when presenting anything. Group 3 as well as groups 1 and 2 had well-spoken presenters with fluent and clear voices who inferred the information quite nicely. All groups 1, 2 and 3 had different topics to research and present on. All topics being especially important to today’s day current state of life and events going on around the world today. As a presenter and student, I can say that I was successfully and gracefully able to understand all my peers perfectly and learn from what they had to say and their research. The fact that remarkably interesting topics were brought up, also helps a listener to stay in tune with the subject and learn efficiently. I can defiantly say that I was able to retain and learn lots of the information provided by groups 1, 2, and 3. All three groups had the key elements to making a successful presentation, reasonable and accurate information regarding important topics from today's everyday life, presenters who found valuable information, and presented the information confidently and clearly for listeners to understand. Overall in my opinion, all groups did an extraordinary job with Ms.Sinkoffs second presentation, which well thought out research and clear voices. I am proud of all my peers and colleagues and am excited to keep learning and presenting alongside my classmates!


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