Nestor: Aspects of Communication



            Communication is one of the essential skills that a person has to have to be effective in this modern society. It let us all connect with each other in so many different ways. One of those ways of connecting with other people is our speech class. There we interact and practice our communication with others of different background. Our first-class project was divided into 3 groups to explain to the rest of the class a chapter of the book. Here, we will see the importance and some characteristics about these chapters along the way. Specifically, we will be talking about Intercultural Communication, Communicating in Groups, and Group Leadership and Problem Solving.

Our Chapter was assigned to be Intercultural Communication. It starts talking about culture in general and jumps to its structure. This structure is composed of dominant cultures: the culture learned and practiced by the majority of people in a society and co-cultures: a group of people within the larger culture who have common interests or values that differ from the dominant culture. It continues talking about different aspects of culture like sex and gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age and generation in general, socioeconomic status, etc. The part of the chapter that I was the one in charge to talk about is how cultures differ. This part of the chapter is very important because it taught me that there are two different types of cultures (collectivistic and individualistic) and they work very different from each other. One is more united and think about everything as a group and the other one has more competition and privacy. This chapter in general explains how culture affects communication and the way people interact with each other. From my point of view, our group presented this chapter very professional and accurate in two days which was the time given to do the assignment. The second group talks about communicating in groups. They start talking about different types of groups which are family, social groups, support groups, interest groups, service groups, work group and teams, virtual groups. The first presenter breaks down the different types of family. I find very interesting how the second presenter shows a different source to understand even more the interest groups. The chapter continues talking about characteristics of healthy groups. One of the characteristics I found very interesting was that healthy groups are synergetic; the video explaining this was the perfect example of it and how it finishes saying “Union is Strength.” The third group’s topic is Group Leadership and Problem Solving. The beginning of the presentation defines leadership and task roles as well as maintenance roles and the five rational skills which are: Supporters, Interpreter, Harmonizer, Mediator, and Tension Relievers. They proceed talking about the procedural leadership roles. Guidelines for meetings leaders and participants are next and teach you what to do when attending a meeting. The most useful thing about this chapter in my opinion is how they teach the steps for problem solving.

Finally, these chapters show the significance of communication. Going from culture, through different types of groups and ending in leadership, we could see how communication is used and applied.   


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