
Showing posts from February, 2021

Alex's Reflection on People's Moralities

While within this country, our history with diverse populations is not what you'd really call a catastrophe but really a tragedy. And while that's the case, decades pass by and we improve as a society to truly understand and communicate effectively . We obediently live under the same roof which led to serenity and peace among most of the population. It's become easier to embrace ourselves as one when we feel accepted by everyone else when everybody is different in there own way, it's become a normality. the system of shared beliefs that guides what is considered appropriate, the conditioning between similar life experiences is a way of life. As well as the interactions that between people whose cultures are significantly in comparison that any form of communicating is considered challenging. We must first identify the differences between the two cultures that would make it more challenging like how they managed to create their own comfortable language related to their c

Communication at its finest Jailene Estrada

     Communication has always been apart of life since the beginning time and day it progresses and we learn more about it and others. In the chapters 3,9, and 10 that help with that matter. All over the world there are different customs and forms of communication. For example, words and gestures used in America are different compared to The united Kingdom. Take fish and chips, chips are french fries but they call it chips.              In order to understand one another and their culture in the textbook pages, chapter three gave different ways on how to do so. Always do research, focus how others around communicate, and involve yourself more. And not only their cultures but gender, sexual orientation and religion as well. A big thing to avoid is having a stereotype towards others. They are hurtful and very disrespectful.         There is a downside to communication as well that others will not feel as appreciative or vise versa some people are inconsiderate of others and it is possibl